
Kathy Mitchell-Garton’s work explores the natural world through intimate, close observation and intricate hand-stitched embroidery, producing images of depth with richly textured surfaces. She draws inspiration from the often-overlooked details of the landscape of her Colorado home. Her work has been exhibited in many local and regional shows, including the Arvada Center’s 2019 “Art of the State,” where she was named one of the ten artists not to miss by 303 Magazine, and the invitational show “Dearly Disillusioned,” organized by Pink Progression to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. Her work is held in a number of private and public collections.

Mitchell-Garton is a member of the Core Art Space cooperative gallery and maintains a studio in the 40 West Arts District. She has taught bead embroidery workshops and the five-week class, “Dharma Art: Connecting to Creativity” at the Denver Shambhala Center. She holds a BA in fine arts from Earlham College, an MLS from Indiana University, and an MFA in creative writing from Naropa University.

Kathy in her studio


email: kathymitchellgarton <at> gmail.com

